
10th. May. 2017 Construction almost finished.

Exterior view from the roadside 1

Exterior view from the roadside 2

Exteriro view from west side

Interiror ; 2nd floor showspace 

Interior ; stairs


19th. April. 2017. Facade works and Interior works

Showroom; Curtainwall works finished. now glass wall works are going.

Showroom; 2nd floor Interior works

Showroom; Stair from 1st to 2nd floor.


28th Dec. 2016 Niigata Toyopet Niigata-Higashi Showroom, the scene of construction

 ↑  the Showroom building, setting the reinforcings to the foundation beams.

↑   after the concrete placing of the foundation beams.

13th Nov. 2016, Niigata Toyopet Niigata-Higashi Showroom, Ceremony of the biginning of the construction

The scene of the ceremony of japanese traditional style's beginning of the construction.
the Shinto ; japanese original religeon.